If the detailed description is requested, it is returned as a data frame.

# S3 method for params_pansim
print(x, describe = FALSE, ...)



an object of class params_pansim (parameters for pandemic simulation)


print full description?


(unused, for generic consistency)


params <- read_params("ICU1.csv")
#>        beta0           Ca           Cp           Cm           Cs        alpha 
#> 1.000000e+00 6.666667e-01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 3.333333e-01 
#>        sigma      gamma_a      gamma_m      gamma_s      gamma_p          rho 
#> 1.923077e-01 1.428571e-01 1.428571e-01 1.748252e-01 2.000000e+00 1.000000e-01 
#>        delta           mu            N           E0 nonhosp_mort        iso_m 
#> 0.000000e+00 9.560000e-01 1.000000e+06 5.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 
#>        iso_s         phi1         phi2         psi1         psi2         psi3 
#> 0.000000e+00 7.600000e-01 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-02 1.250000e-01 2.000000e-01 
#>       c_prop c_delay_mean   c_delay_cv    proc_disp         zeta 
#> 1.000000e-01 1.100000e+01 2.500000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 
#>          symbol value
#> 1         beta0     1
#> 2            Ca 0.667
#> 3            Cp     1
#> 4            Cm     1
#> 5            Cs     1
#> 6         alpha 0.333
#> 7         sigma 0.192
#> 8       gamma_a 0.143
#> 9       gamma_m 0.143
#> 10      gamma_s 0.175
#> 11      gamma_p     2
#> 12          rho   0.1
#> 13        delta     0
#> 14           mu 0.956
#> 15            N 1e+06
#> 16           E0     5
#> 17 nonhosp_mort     0
#> 18        iso_m     0
#> 19        iso_s     0
#> 20         phi1  0.76
#> 21         phi2   0.5
#> 22         psi1  0.05
#> 23         psi2 0.125
#> 24         psi3   0.2
#> 25       c_prop   0.1
#> 26 c_delay_mean    11
#> 27   c_delay_cv  0.25
#> 28    proc_disp     0
#> 29         zeta     0
#>                                                         meaning
#> 1    Baseline (non-intervention) transmission across categories
#> 2               relative asymptomatic transmission (or contact)
#> 3             relative presymptomatic transmission (or contact)
#> 4         relative mildly symptomatic transmission (or contact)
#> 5       relative severely symptomatic transmission (or contact)
#> 6                                Fraction of cases asymptomatic
#> 7                                       1/time in exposed class
#> 8                              1/time for asymptomatic recovery
#> 9                        1/time for mildly symptomatic recovery
#> 10 1/time for severely symptomatic transition to hospital/death
#> 11                              1/time in pre-symptomatic class
#> 12                              1/time in hospital (acute care)
#> 13                  Fraction of acute-care cases that are fatal
#> 14    Fraction of symptomatic cases that are mild (or moderate)
#> 15                                              Population size
#> 16                                       Initial number exposed
#> 17             probability of mortality without hospitalization
#> 18             Relative self-isolation/distancing of mild cases
#> 19           Relative self-isolation/distancing of severe cases
#> 20                            Fraction of hospital cases to ICU
#> 21                                  Fraction of ICU cases dying
#> 22                               Rate of ICU back to acute care
#> 23                                         Rate of ICU to death
#> 24                                Rate of post-ICU to discharge
#> 25             fraction of incidence reported as positive tests
#> 26              average delay between incidence and test report
#> 27                    coefficient of variation of testing delay
#> 28  dispersion parameter for process error (0=demog stoch only)
#> 29                     phenomenological heterogeneity parameter