Temporal aggregation of pansim objects
# S3 method for pansim
start = NULL,
period = NULL,
FUN = mean,
fixed_vars = TRUE,
extend = 30,
a pansim object
starting date for temporal aggregation
time period for temporal aggregation (e.g. "7 days", see seq.Date
temporal aggregation function (applied across all variables) or a list of the form list(FUN1=c('var1','var2'), FUN2=c('var3', 'var4'))
(temporal aggregation is done after state aggregation, so variable names specified should be adjusted appropriately)
treat names in FUN as fixed strings rather than regular expressions?
how far to extend time series for aggregation purposes
unused, for generic consistency
params <- read_params("ICU1.csv")
state <- make_state(params=params)
sdate <- "2020-02-10" ## arbitrary!
res <- run_sim(params,state,start_date=sdate,end_date="2020-06-01")
a1 <- aggregate(res, start="2020-02-12",period="7 days", FUN=sum)
## column-specific aggregation
first <- dplyr::first
agg_funs <- list(mean=c("H","ICU","I"), sum=c("report","death"))
a2 <- aggregate(condense(res), start="2020-02-12",period="7 days", FUN=agg_funs)